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Currículum Primària:

El currículum és el conjunt dels objectius, continguts, metodologies i criteris d'avaluació de les diferents àrees, conjuntament amb la contribució de l'àrea a l'adquisició de les competències bàsiques. Veure a:

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CESIRE-CIREL: Centre de suport a la innovació i recerca educativa en llengües.

Former public examinations:

- Descargas de exámenes (opos, PAU, EOI...) con ejercicios resueltos:

Web para la búsqueda de oposiciones:

Oposicions Mestres 2011. Temari Oficial

Llengua estrangera: Anglès

1. Language as communication. Oral and written language. Factors that  define a  communicative situation. Functionality. The communicative  approach to FLT.
2. Communication in the foreign language class.  Verbal communication. Nonverbal   communication. Extralinguistic  strategies: non-verbal reactions in different contexts.
3. Oral skills. Written skills. Integrated skills. Communicative competence.
4. The value of a foreign language as a means of communication.  Linguistic   diversity: getting to know a new language and its culture.
5. Great Britain and Ireland. The U.S.A. Other English-speaking  countries. Didactic   application of relevant geographical, historical  and cultural aspects.
6. Contribution of linguistics to foreign  language teaching. The language learning process. Similarities and differences between L1 and L2 learning.
7. Oral language. The  complexity of global listening comprehension: from hearing  to active, selective understanding. Moving into speech: from imitation to free production.
8. Written language. Approximation, maturation and  improving of the readingwriting process. Reading comprehension: extensive and intensive reading  techniques. Writing: from the interpretation to the production of texts.
9. Phonetics and  phonology. Description of the English phonological system. Pronunciation models and learning techniques. Perception, discrimination  and   emission of sounds, intonation, rhythm and stress. Phonetic  correction.
10. Types of writing systems. The English spelling code.  Sound-spelling   correspondences. Proposals for the didactics of the  writing code. Spelling   aplications in written production.
11. The  English lexical and semantic structure. Necessary lexis for  socialization,   information and expression of attitudes. Typology of  activities related to the   teaching and learning of lexis in the  foreign language class.
12. Essential morphosyntactic elements in  English. Elementary communicative   structures. Progressive use of  grammar categories to improve oral and written   communicative  competence.
13. The Traditional Approach: The Grammar-Translation Method. Modern   approaches. Current approaches.  
14. Methods that focus on the acquisition of communicative competence. Techniques that focus on the acquisition of communicative competence. Specific methodological foundations in English language teaching.
15. Tales and stories. Other genres. Typology of texts. Didactic application of literary   texts.
16. Children’s literature in English. Techniques for oral  comprehension, initiating   and increasing reading habits and becoming  attuned to the poetic function of   language.
17. Songs as poetic vehicles and literary creations in the English classroom. Typology of  songs. Techniques for using songs to learn phonetic, lexical and cultural aspects of English.
18. Functions of games and creativity  in the FL learning process. Definition and typology. Games as a creative technique to attain communicative competence.
19. The  scope of drama in the English classroom. Drama techniques. Pair and group work in creative activities. The role of the teacher.
20. The  foreign language area in the curriculum. Criteria to reflect in the  educational   and the curricular projects of the school.
21. The  foreign language area. Planning units. Criteria for sequencing contents and objectives. The selection of methodology. Evaluation.
22.  Variables tot ake into account in the management of the FL classroom. Student groupings. Space and time management. Selection of  methodologies. The  role of the teacher.
23. Preparation of  curricular materials for the English class. Criteria for selecting and using course books. Authentic and adapted materials: limits of use.  Student input in material design.
24. Technological and pedagogical aspects of audiovisual material. The  computer.
25. The Learner-Centered Approach in FLT. Identifying motivation and attitude towards the English language.


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Unit 5.pdf
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Unit 18.pdf
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